Welcome to My Texas Allergy

Allergy Testing

medicare provider, upper Respiratory, geriatrics, Cholesterol, Diabetes

Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in Belt Line RD

Whether you're struggling with seasonal allergies, sinus issues, or other respiratory concerns, relief is within reach with the compassionate care provided by My Texas Allergy. Our dedicated medical team specializes in allergy testing and offers comprehensive services to diagnose, prevent, and treat a variety of allergenic conditions. Say goodbye to sniffles, sneezes, and wheezes as we work to identify and address your specific allergens, helping you feel better and breathe easier. Safeguard your respiratory health by contacting My Texas Allergy today to schedule an allergy testing appointment with one of our experienced team members. You can also conveniently request an appointment online.

Allergy Testing

What is Allergy Testing?

Allergies impact over 500 million individuals in the United States alone. Crafting an effective allergy treatment strategy for our patients starts with a comprehensive evaluation and testing for allergic reactions to common allergens. At MyTexasAllergy.com, we offer specialized skin testing and intradermal testing to accurately diagnose your symptoms. Once we identify your allergies, we can tailor the most suitable and efficient treatment plan for you.

Skin Prick Test: Skin testing serves as a crucial initial step in the diagnostic process. While blood testing and patient history provide limited information, skin testing delivers more detailed and precise results. At MyTexasAllergy.com, our skin prick testing is conducted on healthy individuals aged 5 and older. This test identifies the specific allergen(s) triggering an actual reaction. During the procedure, a small amount of the allergen is pricked onto the skin and observed for approximately 15-20 minutes for any signs of a reaction, such as redness or swelling.

Our comprehensive panel of allergens is based on commonly inhaled allergens in the area, including trees, molds, grasses, weeds, and pet dander. Our specialized nurses provide counseling to each patient during testing, and results are available in real-time. This enables patients to understand their specific allergies, medical treatment options, environmental avoidance strategies, and immunotherapy options, including sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops) or injection immunotherapy (allergy shots). Patients, including children, typically tolerate allergy testing well, with our team conducting prick testing on the forearm and providing quantitative testing on the upper arm for older children and adults.

Intradermal Allergy Testing: Intradermal testing, similar to the skin prick test, involves injecting the allergen under the skin to create a small bubble, enhancing skin sensitivity for identifying allergic reactions. This test, although potentially causing discomfort, is typically performed on adults or children and young adults who can tolerate it.

Treatment Options for Allergies: Once we have accurately diagnosed your allergies through testing, we discuss treatment options, including allergy drops and allergy shots.

Allergy Shots: Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) involves gradually increasing doses of the allergen administered over time through injections, the most effective treatment option available.

Allergy Drops: Sublingual immunotherapy or SLIT offers advantages over allergy shots as it does not involve needles. Drops of the allergen are placed under the tongue, providing similar effectiveness as injection immunotherapy but without the needles.

What to Expect at an Allergy Testing Appointment?

During your initial visit with an allergy specialist, you can expect a detailed discussion about various factors contributing to your allergic responses, such as family history, medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms. After discussing your symptoms, your doctor may recommend allergy testing based on your situation.

Frequency of Allergy Skin Testing: Follow-up appointments will include discussions about the frequency of future skin tests. These tests can serve to identify allergens and measure the effectiveness of your treatment plan, with subsequent skin tests typically scheduled every two years or as needed when experiencing allergy symptoms.

Maintaining Consistent Positive Results: After identifying allergies and establishing a management plan, periodic meetings with your care team ensure consistent positive results through ongoing treatment.

At MyTexasAllergy.com, we're committed to providing personalized care and effective solutions for your allergy needs.

Services we Provide

We want to be a sought-after and respected primary medical facility, providing clients with high-quality and safe health care. A hospital with high quality regional and supraregional health services, provides acute 24-hour care in the fields of